“I want to widely deliver the Lord of love who gave me healing and blessings.”
2348 |
April 02, 2023 |
Vandna (Age 38, Dallupura sanctuary, Delhi, India)
One day in 2015, a pastor gave me three books. They were Dr. Jaerock Lee’s “The Message of the Cross”, “Hell”, and “The Measure of Faith”. As I read those books, I was so happy that I was enlightened to God’s heart and will, so I earnestly prayed to the Lord of love, “Please let me meet the pastor who wrote these books.”
Then, in September 2016, God sent Pooja to my store. She, a member of Delhi Manmin Church, was a nursing college student at that time and came to Dallupura to provide health care and evangelize. She preached the work of God with the Gospel, and she introduced the Delhi Manmin Church’s youth group, and I wanted to attend it. Later, when I went to Delhi Manmin church to attend the youth meeting, the inside the sanctuary was filled with the sound of praise, and the atmosphere made my heart full. The sermon was very different and special from anything I had heard so far, and it was a touching word that spiritually and clearly explained the will of God contained in the Bible. Not only that, but after receiving Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee’s prayer for the wick through a video, I had an amazing experience. Normally, I had poor blood circulation in my legs, and at night I often woke up from the pain. I could only sleep by tying my legs with a rope or cloth. However, after receiving Dr. Lee’s prayer for the sick, I was healed and came to be able to sleep without any pain. As I met the Lord of healing like this, it was regrettable that many people were suffering from diseases without knowing the Lord. I felt the need to tell many people about the God I met and the Senior Pastor’s prayer for the sick. So, whenever the people around me were sick, I started to help them receive the Senior Pastor’s prayer for the sick. And as they were healed, it also became great faith to me. In this way, one or two people gathered, and I invited Pastor John Kim, ministering Delhi Manmin Church, to the meeting. Even though he lived far away from my village, he always came and prayed earnestly for us. As more and more people gathered, the Dallupura sanctuary was established in December 2017. Hallelujah!
As my husband also changed through Senior Pastor’s sermons, financial difficulties were resolved and we began to receive blessings. As the Bible says, God led us to the prosperous way when we acted with honestly and sincerity, and we achieved maximum sales in 2022. I’m also doing my best to help children grow up properly in the Lord through my duty as a Sunday School teacher. Through the holiness gospel that Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee had delivered, our family has become a family of blessing, and I want to preach the holiness gospel to more souls in the future. I give all thanks and glory to God of love and the Lord for guiding me to the way of spiritual and physical blessings through the precious words of life.