Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

A thyroid lump on my throat was completely gone!
New Update
One day in January 2024, I woke up in the morning and felt pain in my neck. I could feel a small lump. As time passed, the lump grew bigger and bigger to turn into a bump, and the affected area became swollen. It was easily visible, so I turned up my collar or covered it with a scarf. ...

“Cured of knee pain and a frozen shoulder after experiencing the fiery works of the Holy Spirit!”

Manmin News   No. 742
April 30, 2023

Deaconess Imjin Jung (Age 71, Gwangju Manmin Church in Korea)

I have been suffering from knee pain and a frozen shoulder for a long time. On February 2,2023, my knee pain had gotten so bad that I went to the hospital for a checkup. The MRI scan showed that my knee was filled with excess fluid. I received some medicine and pain injections, but the relief was only temporary.
Afterwards, I started to fervently pray at the Daniel Prayer Meeting with the desire to be healed by the living God. I had a dream where Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee placed one hand on my head and held my right hand with the other hand, and ardently prayed for my healing.
I felt the love of the Lord and comfort from the Holy Spirit after dreaming of Senior Pastor’s intercessory prayer on my behalf. I received the assurance of healing and prayed more earnestly, relying on God the Creator.
Like other days, I livestreamed the Daniel Prayer Meeting on March 23. I prayed with the strength of the Holy Spirit and received Senior Pastor’s Day-closing prayer. Since then, I have not had any knee pain. It’s unbelievable that no matter what I do or how I move the knee, there is absolutely no pain. It was amazing to be able to move around without any problems! I was so excited with a great expectation that I would be able to testify the healing at the Divine Healing Meeting that was to take place the next day.
Through GCN, I watched the Divine Healing Meeting on March 24 during Friday All Night Service. From the moment Acting Senior Pastor Soojin Lee began to preach, my whole body became so hot I had to use a fan the whole time. As I received the prayer for the sick, the pain from my frozen shoulder disappeared, and I was able to freely move my arms! Hallelujah!
I give all thanks and glory to God the Trinity who helped me rely on Father God of love, experience the works of the Holy Spirit, and meet our Lord the Healer.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee