Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

A thyroid lump on my throat was completely gone!
New Update
One day in January 2024, I woke up in the morning and felt pain in my neck. I could feel a small lump. As time passed, the lump grew bigger and bigger to turn into a bump, and the affected area became swollen. It was easily visible, so I turned up my collar or covered it with a scarf. ...

The nerves and cells in the legs died from ruptures of the 2nd and 3rd discs in the spine but now came back to life!

Manmin News   No. 767
October 13, 2024

Deacon Joomyung Seo | 82, Parish 19 in Manmin Central Church

I once experienced removing old stains by hand-washing and was determined to wash my family’s laundry by hand-washing from then on. I bought a large rubber tub and started washing the laundry. It was not an easy work for me to squat down and do the laundry for my age and my children forcefully stopped me. But I subdued them and continued it for years.
Meanwhile I had some problems in the waist and legs. The whole body was heavy, and the left leg became as cold as ice, and then lost muscles and fat. Both the legs became different in length. The left leg was a little shorter than the right leg. I had a severe pain in walking and had to walk carefully as on ice.
One day in August 2023, while climbing stairs, I lost strength in the left leg and fell backward. Fortunately, someone behind me helped me up and I could avoid a serious accident. The next day, my youngest daughter took me to the hospital.
Based on the MRI results, the doctor said, “The 2nd and 3rd discs on the left spine are severely ruptured, causing paralysis of the nerves in the legs. Due to poor muscle and nutritional status, surgery is urgently necessary. In addition to the first surgery, a second or third surgery may be needed.”
In February of 2023, I had an experience of healing through Senior Pastor Soojin Lee’s prayer when I had to receive surgery on the right shoulder tendon. So, I decided to receive healing through faith this time as well. First, I looked back on myself in prayer and repented that I had got irritated, judged, slandered, and yelled at my family. It was a barrier of sin before God though I thought I lived according to God’s words.
On Sunday, September 3, I felt thankful and peaceful when I received the prayer from the Senior Pastor. Further, I felt strong in my whole body, and the pain in my spine disappeared. After that, my cold, muscle-depleted left leg began to feel warm, and I gained weight little by little. When Senior Pastor prayed at the end of a Daniel Prayer Meeting, saying, “Please revive the dead nerves and cells,” I engraved it in my heart. And the dead nerves and cells in the left leg were revived and improved.
My left leg gradually gained muscle and became thicker, and by April of this year, it was the same as my right leg, and I could walk well. In July, during a 21-day Vowed Daniel Prayer Meeting for the summer retreat, the left leg became the same in length as the right leg.
I had assurance of God’s complete healing, so I went to the hospital on July 26 to get medical confirmation and give glory to God.
I politely said to the doctor. “Doctor, I had a surgery scheduled for September 6 of last year, but I didn’t have the surgery. Instead, I received the prayer from my pastor and received healing for the spine and leg. My leg also seems to have grown by more than 1cm. Could you please confirm this medically?” He did dozens of MRI scans and said, “You are right! Congratulations!” It was confirmed that I had been healed by the power of God.
On July 29, the first day of the summer retreat, at the Divine Healing Meeting, I testified of this amazing work of the Holy Spirit and gave all thanks and glory to the living God. Hallelujah!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee