Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

I was completely healed of otitis media in 66 years!
New Update
I have suffered otitis media for 66 years from the age of 8. One day in my childhood, I felt water entering into the right ear in shampooing. Since then, I started itching in it, and pus and fluid oozed out. In 1950s Korea was faced with war and economic difficulty and I could never dare go to hospital while living in a countryside. ...

I gained the first place in my college after I had my study keep pace with my prayer and service

Manmin News  
March 05, 2005

Bro. Jihoon Choi (Sophomore of Soongsil University, College Mission)

I am now a sophomore majoring in Industrial Information and System Engineering at the Soongsil University. Since my entrance, I have studied hard to glorify God, and I received the highest ranking recognition in my department. When I talked about it to my senior pastor, he was pleased and prayed for something unexpected. He prayed to God, "Let him the highest ranking among all the students of his college and be glorified through him. Light, come on him."
I was first surprised at his words of "the highest rank of my college" but I received his prayer with "Amen" and began to study harder than ever before, keeping my faith and prayer abreast of my study. I prayed every night to God with joy and thanksgiving and filled with the Holy Spirit. I studied hard and had a clear mind in my classes although I might not have slept enough the night before because of my studies. Meanwhile I prayed thinking how I could please God. In my church, a special play for the 22nd church anniversary and Christmas play were performed and I was put in charge of the play properties. Serving the church that way, I studied hard all the more.
On January 24, I got the final credit report of the second semester of my freshman year. The result was that I received all A+ in eight subjects, 4.5 points, one hundred percent! I received the highest ranking in my college and in my university. I became certain that I could keep my study abreast of my faith if I am able to be given the wisdom and strength from God.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee